Tele-collaborative visualization for 3D heart model with paraview

Heart disease is one of the most high risk and frequently occurred diseases these years. Therefore, a three dimensional (3D) Virtual Heart Model is very useful to provide a better understanding of heart’s functionality in order to prevent from heart diseases. However, the large scale dataset of heart model requires high computing processing power for shared visualization through network. This project presented an architecture which enables 3D heart model simulation dataset visualization tasks to be performed efficiently in collaboration environment. All the clients are able to visualize the same outcome as the one carried out by the master surgeon for knowledge sharing and further diagnosis of the problems. The framework proposed briefly constructed by four main portions by using Access Grid (AG), Paraview, OpenMPI, and Paraview-AG Streaming Plugin. Clients only require installing AG and AG plugin to accept streamed-out result from Paraview. Client is able to run a text/voice communication with each others. In Master Client, AG and Paraview with Plugin are required. Whereas, Master Client need to submit job through Paraview to Server and streamed out the rendered results to all AG clients. Server consisted of Paraview and openMPI where the parallel processing started to invoked. While, Computing Nodes is the place where the jobs/tasks have been segregated among nodes and the final processed pieces of data will be centralized at server. In conclusion, the method proposed contributes a low cost and time efficiency development for large scale of dataset visualization especially 3D biomedical modeling. Other than that, the research allowed shared visualization among multiple users. Hence, this Tele-collaborative visualization system is proving to be useful in wide range of medical applications, including application for diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical simulation and medical training.
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