Evaluation of Two Different Avian Reovirus Vaccination Programs in Broiler Breeder Chickens

Background: Avian reovirus vaccine was used for prevention of signs and lesions associated with avian reovirus infections which cause malabsorption syndrome, especially in progeny it will be protect against signs of malabsorption associated via maternal antibodies. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the serological differences of two different reovirus vaccination programs in broiler breeder farms. Methods: Ninety broiler breeder chickens was selected and randomly distributed in three groups (each group with three repetitions). In two experimental group two different vaccination programs was used and group three was as a control group and the reovirus vaccine was not used. On days 1, 110, and 145 blood samples were collected and examined with ELISA test. For Data analyzing One-way ANOVA statistical method was used for compare antibody titers against reovirus disease and statistical software was PASW SPSS 18 th edition. Results: Results of ELISA test showed that mean of antibody titers was higher in the groups that reovirus booster vaccines was used, and also ELISA antibody titer in group that vaccines was used statistically different from the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Because of economical losses causes by reovirus disease in both broiler breeder flocks and their progeny, it is necessary to applying exact vaccination programs in broiler breeder flocks and observes of biosecurity to decrease economical losses.
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