Incidencia de la alveolitis dental en pacientes con afecciones reumáticas

Introduction: The alveoli is a frequent complication in the dental, multiple extractions they are the factors of risk that can increase its expression, inside them they play a preponderant paper those affections that due to its ethiopatogenia or to the treatment that you/they receive they cause immune suppression states in the patients, in this last group they are the rheumatic affections. Objective: To determine the alveoli incidence in patient with rheumatic affections Methodology : I study descriptive in 53 patients with diagnostic of rheumatic illnesses assisted in consultation estomatologic and to which were carried out extraction it would jag.  Results: The age average was of 56.55 years. The biggest gender frequency corresponded to the feminine gender with a 77,36. The time of more frequent evolution was the one understood between 1 and 5 years and the most frequent rheumatic affection it was the arthritis rheumatoid. Conclusions : The presence of rheumatic illnesses increases the appearance of complications like the alveoli is, while adult is the time of more evolution it will be the probability of appearance of this complication. The arthritis rheumatoid is the rheumatic affection in which with more percent the alveoli is appears.
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