Assessment on Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women and Their New Born Baby in the Hospitalized Care System

The study was conducted to know the nutritional status of pregnant women and their newborn babies (n=120) at Tangail Medical College and Hospital, Bangladesh. About 16% illiterate pregnant women were not any nutritional knowledge and delivered their first child before 20 years where, about 89% surgical delivery was needed and 21% of newborn did not get colostrum after birth. Although 78% newborn mothers were practiced exclusive breast feeding whereas, 22% mothers were given formula milk to their newborn babies. About 23.40% of the pregnant women checked their health status regularly but 76.6% women abstain from checkup that play great impact on mother and upcoming child. Moreover, about 55.50% pregnant women were taken medicine during pregnancy including 83% of the pregnant women were taken iron tablet whereas, 44.50% women were not taken medicine during pregnancy. About 83% of the newborn were weighted 2500 gm and above, whereas the rest of the newborn were weighted from 1500-2500gm. Besides, majority of the respondents were satisfied with hospitalized service and a small number of respondents claimed and unsatisfied with medical and health facilities of the hospital.
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