Potentially ₂-type Galois representations associated to noncongruence modular forms

In this paper, we consider Galois representations of the absolute Galois group $\text{Gal}(\overline {\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q)$ attached to modular forms for noncongruence subgroups of $\text{SL}_2(\mathbb Z)$. When the underlying modular curves have a model over $\mathbb Q$, these representations are constructed by Scholl and are referred to as Scholl representations, which form a large class of motivic Galois representations. In particular, by a result of Belyi, Scholl representations include the Galois actions on the Jacobian varieties of algebraic curves defined over $\mathbb Q$. As Scholl representations are motivic, they are expected to correspond to automorphic representations according to the Langlands philosophy. Using recent developments in the automorphy lifting theorem, we obtain various automphy and potential automorphy results for potentially $\text{GL}_2$-type Galois representations associated to noncongruence modular forms. Our results are applied to various kinds of examples. Especially, we obtain potential automorphy results for Galois representations attached to an infinite family of spaces of weight 3 noncongruence cusp forms of arbitrarily large dimensions.
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