Location and activity specific site-management for military locations

pace is limited in the Netherlands and military activities, that may cause nuisance or environmental hazards, should therefore be considered and evaluated during the use of military locations. The last few years TNO and Deltares have worked on a research program on environmental effects due to military activities. One of the goals was to inventory the activities on all locations of the Ministry of Defense. The activities are stored in a database which is connected to a Geographical Information System (GIS) to link them with spatial information. This spatial information consists of geological information and the presence of possible receptors, such as water-supply-areas and nature preservation areas. The aim of the database is to give an indication on the vulnerability of a site, based on the possibility that: (1) contaminations, based on military activities, are released into the environment; (2) contamination is likely to disperse in the environment, based on geological information; and (3) the dispersal of contamination may cause immediate problems due to the presence of receptors. The database can act as an “early warning system” and as a tool for site management. An overview of potential attention-areas can be given with relatively low effort and information. Based on this, research activities for different locations can be prioritized. The methodology of linking activities to contamination in the environment is based on the intensive research of two military sites in the Netherlands. For the validation of the database, two other sites are being investigated. Within the research program, activity-specific sampling strategies are also being developed. When military sites are abandoned and (usually) get another land use function, an aimed and cost-specific site characterization can be carried out. Another benefit of linking activities to possible vulnerability of a site is smart site-management in terms of preventive measures. This method can also be valuable by choosing future locations for military activities. This is a particularly interesting perspective for countries with lower pressure on available space. Future research can be aimed at: (1) linking the activity database to additional information, such as ammunition databases; (2) cost-effective prevention and remediation actions; (3) redevelopment of military areas; and (4) smart storage of site information and data. The research gives insight in the remediation and management tasks that can occur, e.g., by abandoning sites and changes in land use function.
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