RCCS enhances EOE cell proliferation and their differentiation into ameloblasts.

In this article we report on the culturing of dental enamel organ epithelia (EOE) using a rotary cell culture system (RCCS) bioreactor associated with a cytodex-3 microcarrier. This culture system enhanced the proliferation and differentiation of the EOE into ameloblasts. Primary dental EOE trypsinized from 4-day old post-natal rat pups were cultured in the RCCS associated with Cytodex-3. The results were analyzed in comparison to a conventional plate system (control). Cells grown in RCCS have shown higher viabilities (above 90%) and final cell densities in terms of cells/ml than in the control system. In the case of RCCS, 46 ± 2 manifold increases were obtained, while significantly lower yields of 10.8 ± 2.5 manifod were obtained for control plates. Throughout the experiments, glucose levels were maintained within the accepted physiological range. In this case, LDH levels are kept low (below 150 mmol/ml), which is in accordance with the low cell death observed in the RCCS. Scanning electron microscopy revealed cells that were spread and forming three dimensional aggregates on the surface of cytodex-3. Cells cultured in the RCCS exhibited a stronger positive immunofluorescence staining for ameloblastin than those in control plates. RT-PCR results revealed that cells cultured in RCCS have higher amelogenin mRNA levels compared to controls. We have done an exploratory study on biological characteristics and self-assembling of epithelium cellula intersitialis, which demonstrated that the special 3D environment enhanced the rat dental EOE cell proliferation and differentiation into ameloblasts. The study has revealed that RCCS could be used to study the reaction of the EOE cells, tooth enamel organ cells and mesenchymal cells under the spacial 3D culture system, which will also provide a novel hypothesis for dental regeneration.
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