Neste artigo estara sendo tratada uma questao de grande relevância para o meio rural do Medio Alto Uruguai, do Rio Grande do Sul, pois objetiva relatar e comentar a construcao de um Plano Territorial de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentavel - PTDRS definidor das acoes que podem contribuir com um bom desempenho da agricultura familiar do referido territorio. O PTDRS representara um grande instrumento orientador de possiveis atitudes que contribuam com um melhor desenvolvimento deste setor da agricultura regional. O mesmo pode ser entendido como um conjunto organizado de diretrizes, estrategias e compromissos relativos as acoes que serao realizadas no futuro, visando ao desenvolvimento sustentavel do territorio, resultante de consensos compartilhados por atores sociais (grupos e segmentos diferenciados da sociedade civil), Estado e Federacao, nas decisoes tomadas no processo participativo. Tambem constara neste texto um conjunto de  possibilidades que poderao estar nascendo a partir da construcao coletiva e propositiva que estarao sendo geradas como indicadores de projetos de desenvolvimento sustentavel que contribuirao com uma nova dinâmica desta agricultura familiar. A Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missoes-URI Campus de Frederico Westphalen e a entidade executora das acoes que, em parceria com entidades regionais, que culminaram com a construcao do PTDRS, atraves de convenio firmado com o Ministerio do Desenvolvimento Agrario (MDA) e Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Territorial (SDT). - This article will deal with a question of great relevance for the rural way in the Medium High Uruguay, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, because its aims are to tell and to comment on the construction of a Territorial Plan of Rural Sustainable Development - PTDRS, defining the actions that can contribute for a good development of the family agriculture to the referred territory. The PTDRS will represent a relevant instrument that can contribute to a better development of this branch of regional agriculture. It can also be understood as an organized set of lines of directions relative to strategies and commitments to the actions that will be carried through in the future, aiming at to the sustainable development of the territory as a result of a shared consensus by social actors (groups and diferentiated segments of the civil society), State and Federation, in the decisions taken in the participative process. It is also considered in this text a set of possibilities that may be springing up from the collective and propositive construction that are being generated as indicators of sustainable development projects that will contribute as a new dynamics of this family agriculture. The Integrated Regional University of the Medium High Uruguay and of the Missions - URI, Frederico Westphalen City Campus is the executor entity of the actions that, in partnership with regional entities have culminated in the construction of the PTDRS, through an agreement with the Ministry of the Agrarian Development (MDA), and the Secretary of Territorial Development (SDT).
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