Efikasi diri guru, pemahaman tentang karakter siswa, dan pemahaman tentang keterampilan Abad ke-21 sebagai prediktor gaya mengajar tipe fasilitator

Abstract – This study aims to examine the effect of teachers’ self-efficacy, their understanding of student characteristics (known as generation Z), and their understanding of the 21 st century skills towards facilitator teaching style at Dian Harapan School Jakarta. This study used a quantitative approach with 60 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire, which comprises the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale, the characteristics of generation Z Students, West Virginia 21 st Century Teaching and Learning Survey, and Teaching Style Survey. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were conducted through multiple linear regression analysis and the F Test. The results showed that teachers’ self-efficacy, teachers’ understanding of the generation Z students’ characteristics, and their understanding of the 21 st century skills contribute 60.7% on teachers’ facilitator style of teaching. It was concluded that these three factors have an important role on teachers’ facilitator style of teaching. Abstrak — Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh efikasi diri guru, pemahamannya tentang karakter siswa generasi Z, dan pemahamannya tentang keterampilan abad ke-21 terhadap gaya mengajar guru tipe fasilitator di Sekolah Dian Harapan Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jumlah partisipan 60 orang. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang terdiri dari Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale , Karakteristik Generasi Z, West Virginia 21 st Century Teaching and Learning Survey , dan Teaching Style Survey . Analisis data dan uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi linear berganda dan uji F Simultan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 60.7% efikasi diri guru, pemahaman guru tentang karakter siswa generasi Z, dan keterampilan abad ke-21 berkontribusi secara simultan terhadap gaya mengajar guru tipe fasilitator. Dengan demikian, ketiga faktor tersebut berperan penting dalam gaya mengajar guru tipe fasilitator.
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