Percutaneous Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus with Controlled-Release Coil

We evaluated the efficacy of the controlled-release Cook coil for percutaneouspatent ductus arteriosus occlusion. Between October 1994 and December 1997,45 consecutive patients with patent ductus arteriosus underwent cardiac catheter-ization and coil occlusion was attempted in 41, of whom 37 had Cook coils. Asingle coil was deployed in 34 of these patients and 2 or more coils were deployedin 3, with successful occlusion in 36 (97%). Immediate complete angiographicclosure was achieved in 15 (41%), 18 (49%) had a trivial residual shunt, and 3had a mild residual shunt on post-occlusion aortograms. Color Dopplerechocardiography 24 hours after the procedure, revealed no detectable shunt in33/36 (92%) and only a trivial residual shunt in 3 (8%) patients. Thus, 86% ofpatients with residual shunts immediately after occlusion had no evidence ofresidual shunts by 24 hours. No evidence of residual shunt or obstruction of theleft pulmonary artery or the descending aorta was present at a mean follow-upof 26 months We concluded that Cook coils are a safe and cost-effective modalityfor percutaneous occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus with a high success rateand favorable intermediate-term follow-up.
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