New technologies applied in the educational process

The world is changing, Technology is revolutionizing the way we relate and interact with the environment. The knowledge of future technologies will allow us to adapt to change with time, anticipate its implementation and thus be able to work with them; we must not forget that future generations will be born with new technologies. This paper raises a number of developments, which for one reason or another are causing a change in our notion of the world and will raise the potential of these new resources to the educational environment. Having more information and more possibilities to access to it, has not any direct implications about the learning and acquisition of knowledge and in fact, they cause a change in the roles of the actual teaching, which they will be advertised and justified. These technologies are distributed by their functionality in five big groups will be the beginning of an analysis of their evolution and they will take part in the new teaching paradigms. At this moment, mobile computing, new interfaces and new environments, intelligent objects as well as new web with semantic applications and social network, open source…etc., are the basis of the new technologies, which in the near future perhaps return to revolutionize what we consider an event. For this reason we should not focus in what exists, not even thinking about what is coming at this time, but open and expand our view based in the near future, walk to the distant future that we do not know if we will see, but surely it will come.
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