A dual–ion battery using diamino–rubicene as anion–inserting positive electrode material

Abstract A novel and non-polymeric anion-inserting electrode material has been designed and prepared for promoting research on molecular ion rechargeable batteries: 5,12-diaminorubicene (DARb). The apolar core structure of a rubicene molecule has been coupled to two amino-groups for producing an original conjugated primary diamine exhibiting low affinity for polar solvents such as common carbonate-based battery electrolytes. The electrochemical reactivity of this organic molecule has been probed in a dual-ion cell configuration (vs. Li) using six different electrolyte formulations in terms of solvent (PC, EC-DMC) and lithium salt (LiPF 6 , LiClO 4 , LiTFSI). This diamino-rubicene material systematically showed a reversible electroactivity and promising performances when using 1 M LiPF 6 in EC:DMC (1:1 vol.%) as the electrolyte, such as an average potential of ~ 3.4 V vs. Li + /Li 0 , an initial capacity of 115 mAh·g − 1 and a good capacity retention over 60 cycles without any optimization.
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