Environmental analysis related to pulmonary TB incidence in work area of puskesmas kaluku bodoa Makassar City

Pulmonary Tuberculosis is an infection disease caused by Mycbacterium tuberculosis. TB disease is a world health problem and Indonesia is the country with the highest number of TB cases in the world after India. The purpose of this study was to determine the environmental factors associated with the incidence of Pulmonary TB in the Working area of Kaluku Bodoa public health center makassar city in 2018. This study was a quantitative research with case cross sectional study approach using Chi-Square. The population in this study were patients who had performed sputum test and registered in TB.03 register book at Pusukesmas Kaluku Bodoa in July-December 2017 which amounted to 102 respondents and the study sample as many as 81 respondents. The sampling technique of this research used Simple Random Sampling. Data collection using documentation, questionnaire and univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there are three variables related to pulmonary tuberculosis incidence that is density variable of occupant with p-value = 0, 027, ventilation area with p-value = 0, 045, and sungliht exposure with p value = 0, 007. While the variable is not related to the incidence of Pulmonary TB is the temperature variable with the result p-value = 0.230.
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