Quantification of coffinite (USiO4) in roll-front uranium deposits using visible to near infrared (Vis-NIR) portable field spectroscopy

Abstract Coffinite (USiO 4 ) is a common uranium-bearing mineral of roll-front uranium deposits. This mineral can be identified by the visible near infrared (Vis-NIR) portable field spectrometers used in mining exploration. However, due to the low detection limits and associated errors, the quantification of coffinite abundance in the mineralized sandstones or sandy sediments of roll-front uranium deposits using Vis-NIR spectrometry requires a specific methodological development. In this study, the 1135 nm absorption band area is used to quantify the abundance of coffinite. This absorption feature does not interfere with NIR absorption bands of any other minerals present in natural sands or sandstones of uranium roll-front deposits. The correlation between the 1135 nm band area and coffinite content was determined from a series of spectra measured from prepared mineral mixtures. The samples were prepared with a range of weighted amounts of arenitic sands and synthetic coffinite simulating the range of uranium concentration encountered in roll-front uranium deposits. The methodology presented in this study provides the quantification of the coffinite content present in sands between 0.03 wt% to 1 wt% coffinite with a detection limit as low as 0.005 wt%. The integrated area of the 1135 nm band is positively correlated with the coffinite content of the sand in this range, showing that the method is efficient to quantify coffinite concentrations typical of roll-front uranium deposits. The regression equation defined in this study was then used as a reference to predict the amount of natural coffinite in a set of mineralized samples from the Tortkuduk uranium roll-front deposit (South Kazakhstan).
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