‘70 Years Later: The International Military Tribunal for The Far East’ – An Overview of The International Conference held by the International Nuremberg Principles Academy 17-19 May 2018

The conference, held by the International Nuremberg Principles Academy (the “Nuremberg Academy”) on 17-19 May 2018, marks the 70th anniversary of the delivery of the judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, also known as the Tokyo Trial or Tokyo IMT. The Tokyo Trial was established in 1946 under the Special Proclamation of General MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of Allied Powers, for the purpose of “meting out stern justice” to Japanese war criminals as required by Potsdam Declaration and consented by Japan via the Japanese Instrument of Surrender.The proceedings lasted for 3 years, tried 28 defendants, and produced valuable records on prosecuting international crimes at an international level. The final reading of the last part of the judgment was concluded on 12 November 1948.
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