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Towards a Unified AI Formalism

Thir pper pnrentr a unified appnmch to building Intelligent amhitectunr. Our appnmch mlier on making rome remantic, ontologid, tu well or architectuml commitmenb. Semantically, we commit ourrelver to principle8 governing the natun of the entitier npnrented by the knowledge npnrentation formalism, and the mlationrhipr between the facultier of noroning, acting, and notum1 language underrtanding. Mon rpecifically, we concentmte on the notum and npnsentation of entitier, belief4 actions, planr, and noroning and acting ruler. Bwed on there principler we pmrent the derign of an intepated AI architectun that htu a unified knovledge npnrentationalformalbm or well tu a unified rearoning and acting component. The derign of the architecture ir baared on object-oriented pn’ncipler. We alro &ow that ruch a derign ir amenable to imdementation in a concurrent object-oriented progmmming pamdigm. We demonrhte the advantoger of our appnmch uring reveml aampler from our work.
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