Agaricus Blazei Murill Ameliorates Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Background: Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM) is a widely accepted health food and is known to present anti-tumorigenic activities. ABM has also been reported to modulate oxidative stress after inflammation and infection. Reactive oxygenfreeradicalshavebeenshowntobecriticallyinvolvedinischemia-reperfusioninjurycascades.Weaimedto studytheantioxidantactivitiesofABMagainsttissueinjurycausedbymyocardialischemia-reperfusionprocesses. Methods: A rat cardiomyocyte H9c2 cell line was set up and used for the study. Cell viabilities after different dosages of ABM extract treatment and hydrogen peroxide injuries were checked. A cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury model was set up to elucidate the cardioprotective roles of ABM extract. Different doses of 22.5 mg/kg of body weight and 45 mg/kg of body weight ABM extract were pre-treated at 24 and 48 hours before inducing the ischemia-reperfusion injury. Results: ABM extract treatment increased the survival of cardiomyocytes without cytotoxicity. Pretreatment with ABM extract reduced hydrogen peroxide-induced cell damage and increased cell survival (0.86 0.15 in ABM 6.0 mg/ml vs. 0.45 0.03 in control, p = 0.019). ABM-pretreated rats that underwent myocardial ischemia-reperfusion hadgreatly reducedinfarctareascomparedtothoseinthecontrolgroup(14.33.3%incontrolgroup,4.61.9%in 22.5 mg/kg group, 4.9 2.1% in 45 mg/kg group, p < 0.05). Conclusion: ABM increases antioxidant activity, which greatly ameliorates myocardial injuries caused by myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injuries. Using ABM as a health food may provide cardioprotective effect against ischemia-reperfusion injuries.
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