Effects of a natural extract, o .3-)-hydroxycijh7i~-a~id @l a cornbinatian of MC X plus n~~~in-b~~~ Gymraemi s yhstre n weight loss

Aim The efficacy of optimal doses of highly bioavailabla (-l-hydroxycitric acid (HCZA:gXl alone and in combination with niacin-bound chromium (NBC1 and a standardized Gvnmama sylve&re extract (GSE] on weight loss in moderately obese subjects was evaluated by monitoring changes in body weight, body mass index [BMIl, appetite, lipid profiles, serum leptin and excretion of urinary fat metabolites. HCASX has been shown to reduce appetite, inhibit fat synthesis and decrease body weight withoutstimufat~mg the central nervous system. NBC has demonstrated its ability to maintain healthy insulin levels, while $ZIB has been shown to regulate weight loss and blood sugar levels. Methods: A randomized, double-blind, piacabo-controlled human study was c&due&d in Blluru, India for 8 weeks in 60 moderately obese subjects (ages 2140, BMI >Z$kg/m2f. Subjects were randomly divided into three groups. Group A was administered HCA-SX 4667 I&, group B wes administered a combination of FICA-SX &67mg, NBC 4 mg and GSE 400 mg, while group C was given placebo daily in three equally divided duseS.30-60 min before meals. AI1 subjects received a 200Okcal diet/day and participated in supervised waIking. Results: At the end of 8 weeks, body weight~arid BNI decreased by .+-@%-in both groups A and B. Food intake, total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides and serum leptin levels were si~~~I~antly reduoed In both groups, while high-density lipoprotein levels and hxcxcretion of urinary, fat metabolites increased In bath groups. A marginal or non-significant effect was observed in all parameters in group C.
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