Konya İlinde Farklı İşletme Tipleri ve Agro-Ekolojik Bölgelere Göre Çiftçilerin Sosyal Güvenlik Durumu

Ozet Bu calismada, Konya ilinde ciftcilerin sosyal guvenlik durumlari, farkli ekolojik bolgelerde, farkli isletme tipleri ve isletme yoneticilerinin risk algilarina gore incelenmistir. Calismanin ana materyalini il genelinde tarim isletmelerini temsilen tabakali tesadufi ornekleme yontemine gore belirlenen 396 adet tarim isletmesinden elde edilen veriler olusturmustur. Ayrica konu ile ilgili yapilmis calismalardan da yararlanilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Konya ilinde ekolojik bolgeler, isletme tipleri ve risk algi gruplari itibariyle ciftcilerin sosyal guvenlik kuruluslarina kayitlilik durumlari farklilik arz etmektedir. Incelenen isletmelerde, isletmeler ortalamasi olarak ciftcilerin %54,30’u Tarim Bag-Kur’una, %31,12’si SSK’a, %8,01’i Esnaf Bag-Kur’una, %4,33’u Emekli Sandigina kayitlidir. Her hangi bir sigorta sistemine kayitli olmayip yesil kartli olanlarin oran ise %2,25’dir. Isletme tipleri ve risk gruplarinda ciftcilerin sosyal guvenlikleri ile sahip olunan arazi miktari ve tarimsal gelir arasinda dogrusal bir iliski olmadigi gozlenmistir. Bununla beraber, 1. Bolge, 3.Bolge ve 5. Bolgede bulunan ciftcilerin Tarim Bag-Kur’una kayitlilik oranlari birbirine yakin, 2. ve 4. Bolgede ise bu oranlarin dusuk oldugu tespit edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ciftci, Sosyal Guvenlik, Isletme Tipi, Risk Grubu. Abstract In this study, farmers’ social security status was analysed in terms of different ecological zones, in different farm typologies and risk perception groups of the farm managers in Konya province. The main material of this study was obtained from 396 households determined by the Stratified Random Sampling Method in Konya province. Relevant studies were also used. According to the findings, farmers’ registration status to the social security institutions is different in respect of ecological zones, farm typologies and risk perception groups. In the household surveyed, 54.30% of the farmers are registered to Agricultural Bag-Kur, 31.12% of them are to Social Insurance Institution (SII), 8.01% is to Commercial Bag-Kur and 4.33% is to Pension Service. The rate of people owned green card and not registered to any of the insurance system is 2.25%. It was observed that it is not a linear relationship between the social security of farmers and the amount of land owned in terms of farm typologies and risk groups. Besides, it was determined that the rates of registration of farmers are close together in the 1st Zone, 3rd Zone and 5th Zone, while this rate is lower in the 2nd and 4th Zones. Key Words: Farmer, Social Security, Farm Typology, Risk group.
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