Post-autotomy claw regrowth and functional recovery in the snapping shrimp Alpheus angulosus

The ability to regenerate lost tissues, organs or whole body parts is widespread across animal taxa; in some animals, regeneration includes transforming a remaining structure to replace the one that was lost. The transformation of one limb into another involves considerable plasticity in morphology, physiology and behavior, and snapping shrimp offer excellent opportunities for studying this process. We examined the changes required for the transformation of the small pincer to a mature snapping claw in Alpheus angulosus. First molt claws differ from mature claws in overall shape as well as in morphology related to snapping function; nonetheless, shrimp with first molt claws do produce snaps. While most shape variables of second molt claws do not differ significantly from mature claws, the plunger (structure required for snap production) does not reach mature size until the third molt for females, or later for males. Thus, the pincer claw can be transformed into a functional snapping claw in one molt, alth...
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