Starting earthquakes in the coastal zone

In the coastal zones of the seismically territory the seismicity as a rule is connected with the processes of subdaction. It consists in moving of the sea or oceanic lithospheric plates under the lithospheric plates of the land. As a result the parallel faults are formulated in the oceanic lithospheric plates, laying on the layer of compacted asthenosphere. Early developed the models characterizing the preparation of starting earthquakes for different types of stresses on tectonic plates and parallels of the faults the gives possibility to predict of arising of the earthquakes was implemented. This analysis may at the same time show ways to deflect them, i.e. to possibly reduce or to predict earthquake risk. The investigation of the arisen block structure used the topological approach. The boundary problem imbeds into the topological structure and transforms in the functional equations. Applying automorphism the pseudodifferential equations are received and analyzed. It was proved that the starting earthquake can take place in this case and the relevant conditions are received.
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