Method for recovering germanium and indium from germanium-containing material generated from lead and zinc smelting process

Recovered from one of germanium and germanium-containing material in the method of indium, comprising the following steps: 1 neutral zinc leaching section; 2, a pre-oxidation treatment; 3, oxidative leaching germanium, indium. The present invention is part of the zinc neutral leaching, pre-oxidation treatment, oxidative leaching germanium and indium, germanium achieve - germanium, germanium-containing materials by separating and recovering arsenic - zinc and germanium. Present invention with high germanium recovery process is short, simple and safe operation, germanium leaching rate, environment-friendly, and suitable for industrial application to replace the existing chlorine oxidative leaching process germanium, germanium, germanium-containing slag vacuo effectively recovered . The process implemented method germanium - zinc and germanium - separating and recovering arsenic in germanium, germanium-containing material and a high recovery rate, short process, the process is simple, environmentally friendly, and suitable for industrial application to replace the existing chlorine leaching germanium oxide process, a vacuum germanium germanium-containing slag is effectively recovered, suitable for industrial application.
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