Amazonopsis cerdani (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae), a New Species of Riffle Beetle from French Guiana with Habitat Observations

A third species of Amazonopsis Barr, 2018, Amazonopsis cerdani Barr and Cerdan, new species (Coleoptera: Elmidae), is herein described from French Guiana. One female paratype of Amazonopsis theranyi Barr from Peru is tentatively reassigned to A. cerdani as a non-paratype. Photographic images of the male and female habitus, and the male genitalia, are provided, as is a distribution map and a key to the species. Amazonopsis cerdani differs from A. theranyi from Peru and Amazonopsis camachoi Barr from Venezuela by the presence of prominent spines on protarsomeres 1–4 of males, among other characters. The habitat of this species is small, shallow, lowland streams with sandy-silty substrates and low flow. Specimens were collected from unconsolidated leaf litter in depositional areas, and from stick and leaf packs lodged in the current. Genetic analysis conducted on three specimens from two localities, a male and two females, showed that they are conspecific.
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