Laparoscopic resection of complicated Meckel`s diverticulum: report of two cases

Background: Meckel`s diverticulum is a true congenital diverticulum of a small intestine. It is remnant of the omphaloenteric duct and positioned at about 50-100 cm proximal to ileocecal valve on an antimesenteric border of ileum. Meckel`s diverticulum can be found in approximately 2% of population and it is asymptomatic in most people. Most common complication is intestinal obstruction (intussusception) (36.5%), inflammation of diverticulum with or without perforation (12.7% and 7.3%) and hemorrhage from ulceration due to an ectopic gastric mucosa (11.8%). Case study: We report two cases of complicated Meckel`s diverticulum (inflammation and hemorrhages) which were treated laparoscopically. Conclusion: We find that laparoscopic resection of Meckel`s diverticulum with endostapler is as safe method as open resection with all already known benefits of laparoscopic surgery.
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