Correlación clínica-hemodinámica de la clasificación de la NYHA/WHO en enfermos con hipertensión arterial pulmonar idiopática: Sus implicaciones en la clínica, en el tratamiento y en el pronóstico a largo plazo

SummaryC LINICAL – HEMODYNAMIC CORRELATION OF THE NYHA/WHO SYSTEM IN IDIOPATHIC PULMONARYARTERY HYPERTENSION . CLINICAL , THERAPEUTIC ANDLONG - TERM PROGNOSIS IMPLICATIONS Background: The most often used functionalclassification for categorizing the degree of car-diac disability in patients with chronic left ven-tricular failure is the NYHA/WHO system . In Id-iopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension [I-PAH], this system although used, has not beenstudied in detail regarding pulmonary hemody-namic parameters association and for long-termprognosis in each of the NYHA/WHO classes. Methods: We retrospectively, studied the NYHA/WHO system in 83 I-PAH patients. Patients wereseparated according to the response in theacute vasodilator trial in responders [n = 30] andnonresponders [n = 53]. Results: Classes I – IIdid not represent the minority population for I-PAH patients [58/83 = 60%]. Only mean right Lista de abreviaturas. GC: Gasto cardiaco. HAP: Hipertension arterial pulmonar . HAP-I: Hipertension arterial pulmonar idiopatica.
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