Promoting parenting strategies to improve tooth brushing in children: design of a non-randomised cluster-controlled trial

Background Tooth brushing with fluoride toothpaste is a key recommendation in evidence-based guidelines for caries prevention. Parents generally have sufficient knowledge to practice tooth brushing for their child, yet many experience barriers to actually implement the behaviour. Common barriers are associated with difficult child behaviour, stress, poor family organisation and management of routines. These underlying determinants of tooth brushing behaviour should be addressed in caries-preventive interventions. The ‘Uitblinkers’ intervention is a semi-structured interview method developed for oral healthcare professionals (OHPs), with the aim to improve the practice of twice daily tooth brushing in children. The interview method focusses on 1) identifying parents’ barriers to tooth brushing, and 2) promoting parenting strategies (related to tooth brushing) to tackle the identified barriers. The intervention applies principles from learning theory, including stimulus control, operant conditioning and authoritative parenting. This paper describes a study protocol to evaluate the effect of the intervention.
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