Evaluatie van schemagerichte therapie : een kwalitatief onderzoek van het patiëntenperspectief op de behandeling in een klinische setting

Abstract Background: People with personality disorders have big issues in various parts of their life. As a result their treatment puts a high economic strain on society, but is also an enormous psychological burden for the individual patient. In numerous effect studies it has become obvious that schema-therapy is a good method of treatment. However, the perspective of the patients, being treated with schema-therapy, has barely been analysed yet. Nevertheless, research proves that the perspective of the patients provides information about the treatment as well as insights. In this study we provide a platform for the patient and his experiences with schema-therapy in a clinical setting. The objective of this study is to point out the perspective of the patients for an evaluation and better understanding of schema-therapy. This should eventually provide therapists with the ability to improve the treatment. Method: This research is part of a group schema-therapy study. For the research we analysed the evaluations of 16 patients in terms of their quality. The codes were developed inductively and the saturated coding scheme relates to relationships, feelings and cognitions. With the help of the codes this study analysed the patients’ experiences with the therapy blocks. Results: The results indicate that the patients perceive the topic ‘relationship’ with therapists and fellow patients as difficult and sometimes even as unpleasant. However, they very much appreciate the relationships as salutary. The issue of ‘feelings’ is of high significance for the patients, but, on the one hand, is often experienced as being difficult and confronting and insightful on the other. In the end patients appreciate the issue because they could make meaning out of their emotions. Another subject in the treatment of patients are ‘cognitions’, which are also highly important. The topic is especially related to intense convictions of the patients about themselves. Those convictions are usually experienced as hard and confronting. Eventually the patients appreciate the topic and many claim that their self-perception and self-esteem has changed. In regards to the topics of ‘feelings’ and ‘cognitions’ the patients mention mainly the therapy blocks in which they had to express their convictions and feelings. Moreover, they particularly appreciate art therapy. Conclusion: The relationship to fellow patients and the therapist is very important for the patient. This realisation stands in relation to the poor social and interpersonal skills of most patients, who usually have only very few or even no social interaction. At first they experience the insight into their feelings and cognitions as disturbing, but eventually perceive it as helpful. Patients appreciate the art therapy, because they are able to deal with problems in their own way and perceive the newly gained knowledge to be of avail. These findings agree with the current state of science and research.
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