[A patient with mitral prolapse: differential intervention programs in general medical practice].

AIM: To develop and implement intervention programmes for patients with mitral prolapse (MP) under real conditions of general medical practices of Russia in the transition period. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The MP register covered 208 patients among the adult population (n = 3346) of 2 districts served by general practitioners. According to the formalized protocols, clinical, instrumental, and psychological studies were conducted, which included examination of complaints and physical status, electrocardiography, echocardiography, paired echocardiography before and after bicycle ergometry exercise tests, psychological testing, study of the social status and life quality of patients. RESULTS: According to clinical and instrumental findings, the patients were divided into 4 groups, where differential individually based intervention programmes were implemented; the latter included modules of family upbringing, family prophylaxis, drug and nondrug treatment. Psychotherapeutical potentiation was performed in patients with the low cooperation index on an individual basis in accordance with revealed personality traits. Clinical symptoms diminished in severity, scores on pathological disease attitude scales lowered, life quality increased, persons with the low cooperation index reduced in number. CONCLUSION: The developed and tested intervention programmes in patients with MP are effective and may be successfully implemented in general medical practice facilities.
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