Slurry bed reactor for the production of liquid fuels

Slurry bed reactor of the invention for the production of liquid fuels, without enlarging the cylinder by the lower section of the reactor section and the two portions of the upper section of the expanded composition; capping head provided at the reaction zone inlet and a liquid inlet feed gas, an inner gas distributor is connected with the water inlet at the lower end of the boiler tube wall of the reaction section, the inner heat exchange tube bundle which is connected, is provided at an intermediate position slurry phase reaction zone; provided at the upper end of the cylindrical wall of the reaction zone steam outlet, is disposed above the steam separator outlet; and a separator connected to the reaction section in the configuration of the upper expansion section through which the barrel retracted downwardly flared section equipped with a demister, in the enlarged section of the sealing head provided a gas outlet; positive effect of the present invention: strongly exothermic reaction may be carried out in a three phase slurry bed reactor, the heat exchange efficiency, slurry phase better mixing, the contents of the reactor containing only minimal the two-phase liquid-solid; slurry bed reactors reasonable structure, suitable for industrial application.
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