Correlación de variables climáticas (temperatura y precipitación) con el índice de cobertura vegetal con el método ndvi en la zona noroccidental de la provincia de Cotopaxi en el piso bioclimático, bosque siempreverde montano bajo de la cordillera Occidental de los Andes (BsBn04) ENTRE 1400 Y 2000 m.s.n.m.

In the research project it has been determined through a bibliographic review about effects caused by the climate fluctuation in the growing of native plants in Bioclimatic Floor BsBn04 and in the population on biodiversity conservation, so which has focused on correlating the vegetation cover with climatic variables (temperature and precipitation) which have been represented in a Gaussen diagram, whose data has been extracted from El Corazon climate station, where is stablished the fluctuation In this Floor, by this graphic representation a minimum loss and absence of dry season have been demonstrated, subsequently to determine fluctuation in the vegetation cover, satellite images have been used that were processed to calculate the vegetation index, over changing produced in the years 1990, 2008 and 2016 where comparing the m Apa 1 with map 2 there is a decrease in native plant cover by 8.59% and this becoming in an agricultural mosaic and with map 3 it can be evidenced that there is an increasing in native plant cover by 2.03% , taking into account that climatic fluctuation has been minimal and adequate climatic conditions so forested area remains integral and with abundant rainfall during the 12 months of the year, so it is concluded that these changes in the native forests have been produced by man intervention and intervention as agricultural frontier advance and at the same time sweeping with native vegetal cover, however the last map can demonstrate how the forest recovers again, since anthropic activities abandonment and the favorable conditions to native species development, the forested areas tend to regenerate by taking again an image with vegetation cover. Key words: Fluctuation, Bioclimatic Floor, anthropic, shapes, forest, vegetation cover, agricultural mosaic, Gaussen Diagram, agricultural frontier.
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