Upper mantle beneath the Eger Rift (Central Europe): Plume or asthenosphere upwelling?

SUMMARY We present the first results of a high-resolution teleseismic traveltime tomography and seismic anisotropy study of the lithosphereasthenosphere system beneath the western Bohemian Massif. The initial high-resolution tomography down to a depth of 250 km did not image any columnar low-velocity anomaly which could be interpreted as a mantle plume anticipated beneath the Eger Rift, similar to recent findings of small plumes beneath the French Massif Central and the Eifel in Germany. Alternatively, we interpret the broad low-velocity anomaly beneath the Eger Rift by an upwelling of the lithosphereasthenosphere transition. We also map lateral variations of seismic anisotropy of the mantle lithosphere from spatial variations of P-wave delay times and the shear wave splitting. Three major domains characterised by different orientations of seismic anisotropy correspond to the major tectonic units—Saxothuringian, Moldanubian and the Tepla-Barrandian—and their fabrics fit to those found in our previous studies of mantle anisotropy on large European scales.
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