Female sex, young and old age, northern German residency, high HbA1c and insulin use predict depressed mood in 35,691 T2D patients

Background and aims: A bidirectional relationship between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and depressive symptoms has been reported. The primary aim was to analyze predictors of depressed mood in T2D. Secondly, the odds ratio of developing a clinically recognized depression in patients with conspicuous screening result was evaluated. Materials and methods: 35,691 T2D patients aged ≥18 years (median [IQR]: 68.9 [59.2-76.5] years) from the German/Austrian multicenter prospective diabetes follow-up registry (DPV) were analyzed. All patients had completed the WHO-5 questionnaire, a reliable and validated 5-item screening tool for depression (score ≤7: likely depression). Logistic regression modeling (SAS 9.4) was applied to study potential predictors (e.g. demographics, regional aspect, diabetes therapy, glycemic S414 Diabetologia (2015) 58 (Suppl 1):S1–S607 control) for depressed mood as well as the risk of developing clinically recognized depression. Results: Depressed mood was present in 11.2% (n=4,000) of patients screened and thereby significantly more prevalent compared to the adult German population (DEGS study: 8.1%, p<0.001). Patients with likely depression had a later diabetes onset (60.5 [49.6-70.2] vs. 58.3 [49.1- 67.7] years, p<0.001) and were more often female (54.0 vs. 48.0%, p< 0.001) compared to patients with inconspicuous results. Duration of diabetes did not differ significantly between groups (7.6 [2.4-12.9] vs. 7.0 [2.1-13.5] years, p=0.76). Young and very old age as well as female sex were associated with depressed mood (table 1, model 1). Moreover, living in northern federal states of Germany, poor glycemic control (HbA1c ≥58 mmol/mol) and insulin treatment were significantly related to depressed mood in T2D (table 1). Overall, the odds of developing a clinical diagnosis of depression was 1.95 (95%CI: 1.66-2.29) times higher in patients scored ≤7 in the WHO-5 questionnaire. Conclusion: Depressed mood is a frequent psychological comorbidity in adult T2D patients. In clinical care, routinely screening for psychological problems as recommended by guidelines is absolutely advisable, especially in high-risk patients.
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