The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS) - IX. Galaxy Evolution to z ~ 2 From Optically Selected Catalogues

(Abridged) We present B, R, and I-band selected galaxy catalogues based on the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS) which, together with the K-selected sample, serve as an important probe of galaxy evolution in the redshift range 0 < z < 2. Furthermore, used in comparison they are ideally suited to study selection effects. The construction of the B, R, and I-selected photometric catalogues, containing ~9000, ~9000, and ~6000 galaxies, respectively, is described in detail. The catalogues reach 50% completeness limits for point sources of B ~ 24.5mag, R ~ 23.5mag, and I ~ 22.5mag and cover an area of about 0.3 square degrees. Photometric redshifts are derived for all galaxies with an accuracy of dz/(1+z) ~ 0.057. We investigate the influence of selection band and environment on the specific star formation rate (SSFR). We find that K-band selection indeed comes close to selection in stellar mass, while B-band selection purely selects galaxies in star formation rate. We use a galaxy group catalogue constructed on the K-band selected MUNICS sample to study possible differences of the SSFR between the field and the group environment, finding a marginally lower average SSFR in groups as compared to the field, especially at lower redshifts. The field-galaxy luminosity function in the B and R band as derived from the R-selected sample evolves out to z ~ 2 in the sense that the characteristic luminosity increases but the number density decreases. This effect is smaller at longer rest-frame wavelengths and gets more pronounced at shorter wavelengths. Parametrising the redshift evolution of the Schechter parameters as M*(z) = M*(0) + a ln(1+z) and Phi*(z) = Phi*(0) (1+z)^b we find evolutionary parameters a ~ -2.1 and b ~ -2.5 for the B band, and a ~ -1.4 and b ~ -1.8 for the R band.
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