Análisis de los Efectos de la Ordenación Forestal en 30 Años. Caso del Bosque Mediterráneo de la Región de Valparaíso Chile

This study analyzes the effects that the sustainable forest model applied to the Mediterranean forest in central Chile would have. A type of land of 900 hectares and 365 hectares of forest was selected as a case study, whose plan has two years of execution of the first ten-year planning plan. Execution of the plan for thirty years onwards was simulated and compared with the no-plan condition for the same period. The comparison was made with respect to the capture of the CO2eq level and the indexes of the landscape edge effect and fragmentation. No-plan condition was simulated with the same forest, subject to the deforestation rate published by the National Climate Change Strategy (ENCCRV). In thirty years, it would be possible to increase the forest without edge effect by 95%, and the number of fragments would be reduced by 74%, compared to the initial condition. No-plan scenario would reduce the no-edge forest by 10% and increase its fragmentation by 274%. These effects would be achieved with afforestation. The capture of CO2eq with plan would reach 108% more than the condition no-plan in thirty years, in which 93% would be due to management and only 15% to afforestation. The profit in CO2eq in thirty years due to management would cost 7 $US/t and profit due afforestation 15 $US/t.
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