ASPECTOS ÉTICOS E LEGAIS NA PRÁTICA DA TELESSAÚDE EM FONOAUDIOLOGIA Telehealth in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences: Ethical and legal issues

ABSTRACT The technological resources enable actions even if people are physically and temporally distant, creating a new form of contact, which breaks away traditional regulations and standards. This way, the knowledge of the current legislation, as well as the reflection about ethical matters of each occupation are indispensable to guide Telehealth. There are significant differences regarding these practices in different countries, in addition to the many health areas, being recommended the solid analysis of the legislation pertinent to each profession and jurisdiction. In Brazil, the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Federal Council, the agency which defines the norms and actions that guide the professional exercise, regulated the practice of Telehealth in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology through Resolution. Aspects related to secrecy, confidentiality and to the privacy of the information generated by the Telehealth practices should be taken into account. In a country with great territorial extension, such as Brazil, the use of communication technology can help decreasing the inequalities observed. The practices of Telehealth have increased in the country, and in order to, like other existing practices, be guided by legal and ethical criteria, it is necessary that the professionals involved extend the discussions. In addition to the professionals, the engaging of the Regional and Federal Agencies and of the scientific society is considerably important in directing the discussion of the performance of Telehealth.
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