Coal-rock drift quick tunnelling method

The present invention relates to a hydraulic fracturing underground coal and rock, to improve permeability, rapid excavation of coal safety roadway rapid excavation method, firstly the pressure relief in the Heading long drilling head construction, a certain position over the final hole Mining area, should not exist near the borehole geology, borehole before the probe length and the like, and the use of special fracturing sealing device sealing, sealing position over a certain relief mining area, while the high-pressure pipeline laying, installation, arrangement, pressure debugging lobed pump; then connect fractured by dedicated sealing high-pressure line; finally boring head power, evacuations, provided security cordon, professional operator turns on pump fracturing, hydraulic fracturing jobs embodiment tunneling, underground drainage, suction embodiment mining holes, the gas drainage network, to AR, eliminating sudden, tunneling safety purposes, than conventional security measures, efficiency can be improved on the seam permeability times, gas drainage effect is obvious, is not exceeding the fracturing defense projecting index the critical value, and ultimately achieve the purpose of safe excavation rapidly.
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