Building a gender-affirming surgery service: The fundamentals.

Abstract Background As the healthcare needs of transgender patients become increasingly recognized and supported, gender-affirming surgery services are in increasing demand. However, establishing a gender-affirming surgery service is unlike many other surgical specialties and requires unique expertise and administrative support. The aim of this article is to outline the considerations for starting a gender-affirming surgery service and identify pearls for success. Methods In this article, we describe the critical components of building and maintaining a successful gender-affirming surgery service. We intersperse findings from our own experiences developing a gender-affirming surgery service. Results A successful gender-affirming surgery service starts by developing a clear vision of the patient population within your hospital system’s area, as well as the design of your center. Establishing a center relies on early engagement of hospital administration and its continued support. A multidisciplinary team with intensive interpersonal and operative training offers the best patient experience and surgical outcomes. By following these steps, our service has been able to provide gender-affirming surgery to more than 200 patients since its inception. Future goals entail partnerships with other institutions and continued outcomes evaluation to ensure sustained success of all gender-affirming surgery services. Conclusion Although there are unique challenges and considerations for establishing a gender-affirming surgery service, careful planning and stakeholder engagement allow providers to deliver high-quality care. We hope that our experience can serve as a model for future much needed gender-affirming surgery services.
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