New Cracks for Hard Contact of Lithosphere Plates with the Base

It is being researched the existence of the hidden defects which are not visually watched in the coverings of nanomaterials in earthquake seismology and materials science. It is being developed the method of the research on such defects and coverings which are based on the topological approach. It is being adduced the analysis of the defects on the example the research on the stress–strain state of a block structure, consisting of a two-dimensional horizontal units of different types in contact with each other on the boundaries. The block structure is situated on the surface three-dimensional linearly deformable substrate and rigidly connected with it. The researching block structures are under the arbitrary harmonic outside effects. It is peculiar not only to the nanocoverings, surface reinforcement of the materials but the lithospheric plate structure, the research on which stress–strain state serves to get information about the seismic intensity of the areas. The obtained results are evidence of the fact that the hidden defects are practically new types of the cracks, additional to the cracks of Griffith–Irvine. That is, unlike crack Griffith–Irvine characterized by the roundness and smoothness of boundaries, this type of cracks includes breaks of boundaries and visually more accurately describes the boundaries of the cracks, for example, in the fragile materials such as glass.
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