A PRODUÇÃO E CIRCULAÇÃO DO SABER ESCOLAR: o Nordeste enquanto conteúdo escolar nos livros didáticos de Geografia

O presente artigo busca problematizar a partir da trajetoria da disciplina escolar geografia a constituicao e consolidacao de um determinado conhecimento escolar, no caso a regiao Nordeste, presente no rol de conteudos destinados ao seu ensino. Buscando na historia disciplina escolar geografia a compreensao da producao e circulacao desta regiao nos livros didaticos de geografia da primeira metade do seculo XX, periodo marcado pela discussao da ciencia geografica na escola, antes de qualquer institucionalizacao desta disciplina. Este artigo surge como possibilidade de discutir ou no minimo sinalizar a trajetoria de construcao deste conteudo escolar, preenchendo algumas lacunas na historia do Nordeste ensinado ainda hoje na escola.Nao apenas em sua materialidade delimitavel, concreta, fruto de sucessivas reelaboracoes, em diferentes momentos e conjunturas no decorrer do processo historico brasileiro, mas tambem, nas “representacoes ” construidas neste percurso que remetem mentalmente a ideia de um  Nordeste da seca, do cangaco, do messianismo,“regiao problema” ate hoje presente no imaginario popular. Palavras-chaves Regiao Nordeste do Brasil, Representacao, Livro didatico, Geografia Escolar. PRODUCTION AND MOVEMENT OF SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE: the Northeast as content in school of geography text Abstract This article seeks to problematize from the trajectory of school discipline geography constitution and consolidation of particular school knowledge. This way the Northeast region is present in the list of contents for the teaching. The school discipline geography have in the textbooks, a period marked by discussion of geographical science in school, before any institutionalization of this discipline. This period is very important for geography because this discipline have in the list of their content the regions of Brazil. Between these: the northeastern Brazil.  This way the Northeast region teaching and the textbooks appear as sources for this apprehension. Possibility to understand what was still present in these speeches or what was stated as being the Northeast in the given period of history of school geography. In order to understand what was still present in these speeches.  I tried to revisit the past.  Understanding this spatial area involves the rescue of historical complexity that surrounds their existence. This article appears as a possibility to discuss or at least signal the path of construction of this school content, filling some gaps in the history of the Northeast still taught today in the school. Result of successive reworking, at different times and junctures during the Brazilian historical process, but also in "representations" built this way to mentally recall the idea of a Northeast dry, the highwaymen, of messianic or "problem area" present today in the popular imagination present today in the popular imagination. Keywords Northeast Region of Brazil, Representation, Textbooks, Geography. ISSN: 2236-3904 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EDUCACAO EM GEOGRAFIA - RBEG www.revistaedugeo.com.br - revistaedugeo@revistaedugeo.com.br
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