Functional interactions in patients with hemianopia: a graph theory-based connectivity study of resting fMRI signal (Raw data)

There are twenty zip files each one corresponding to a participant. The acronym PT stands for patients (from 01 to 10) and HC stands for healthy controls (from 01 to 10). Once unzipped, structural and functional data of each patient and healthy control are located in the folder indicated by the specific acronym and number of the participant (i.e. PT01). Thus, each folder contains the original functional data of the resting state sequence (fmri.nii.gz), the preprocessed functional data (fmri_res.nii.gz), the original structural T1-weighted image (T1.nii.gz) and the structural T1-weighted image after applying the brain extraction with the Brain Extraction Tool of fsl (T1_brain.nii.gz) and used to perform the co-registration with the functional data. All images are in NIfTI (Neuroimaging Computer Technology Initiative) format, as a gzip compressed file, normally used by different software as the software library FMRIB (FSL). We also provide the NIfTI file of the AAL Atlas used to parcellate the brain during the analysis (AAL_Contract_90_3MM.nii) and the corresponding text file indicating the list of regions composing the atlas (AAL_LabelID_90.txt).
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