The fu nctional management of femoral shaft fractures

Pauline Ingle (nde Marshall), born in Port Elizabetb, qualifiecl at tbe Royal Free Hospita| London. A,fter working at tbe Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Ortbopaedic Hospital, Osuestly and as Resiclent Surgical Officer at tbe North Staffs Royal Infirmary during World War II, sbe returned to Soutb Af4ca to work for fiue years at St Margaret's at Clydesdale Mission, Umzimkulu, before mouing to All Saints Hospital, Engcobo in 1954, wbere sbe worked s inglehanded until Ronald was sent to belp ber in 1958. Ronald was born in Cbina. wbere bisfalber was a missionary Professor of Surgery. Ronald. qualified from Kings College Hospital, London and spent fiue years witb tbe RAF: first as a Station MO in Malaya and tben in Surgety. Tbey manied in 196O but baue no cbild,ren. According to custom, the communi ty tben changed Pauline's Xbosa name Celiwe (Called) to NoBantu (Of tbe people). Tbey left All Saints in 1976. Ronald went to tbe Department of Heahb, Umtataforfiue years, expecting to be CMOfor Primary Heahb Care, but was gradually trapped into general administration. Meanwbile Pauline got a BA from UNISA (Antbropologl,, and Xbosa). A,fter two years doing TB in tbe Border, Ronald jo ined tbe Department of Family Medicine at Medunsa and went into pat"t-time retirement.
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