School directory of South Carolina 1958-1959

This is a directory for schools and contact information for South Carolina published for the 1958-1959 school year. Personnel information includes main addresses of institutions, individual names, and phone numbers. The directory includes a listing of chief administrators and personnel for the State and County Boards of Education as well as for the SC Association of School Boards and the State Department of Education. The directory also lists county supervisors, members of county boards of education, and county superintendents. It lists administrators such as school lunch supervisors and personnel for the SC Educational Finance and the School Book Commissions. The directory includes a listing of visiting teachers, business school, trade and industry, and home economics personnel, as well as adult education teachers, Jeanes teachers, county attendance teachers, vocational rehabilitation supervisors, and Veterans’ education supervisors. The directory lists personnel of organizations such as the South Carolina Education Association, the Parent-Teacher Association, and the Palmetto State Teachers’ Association. The directory lists superintendents and principals by county and colleges and college presidents, organized by state, private, and/or denominational institution. The directory also lists special schools and junior colleges. The listings denote the type of college (men-only, women-only, or co-ed). The directory lists elementary and high schools and includes brief school statistics, such as the numbers of students enrolled and numbers of teachers. The directory concludes with a list of United States superintendents.
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