Electronic Device Control Using Hand Gesture Recognition System for Differently Abled

This paper presents a real time hand gesture recognition system that detects hand gesture in mid air and controls the appliance corresponding to the input gesture. The gestures used as input are the common sign language gestures that are used by the physically disabled people. This paper proposes a method to control the gadgets for physically challenged or people in general so that they can control the appliances without going towards the main switch board. This system provides an easy to use human computer interface for differently abled people as well as for others. The proposed system does not make use of any sensor or marker to sense the gesture. It allows to input character and symbol from any position without any restriction. It occurs as result of combining hand gesture recognition with real time hand detection using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature in MATLAB. Limitations may occur as a result of lower quality camera or physical constraint of training dataset. Generally speaking, the proposed framework gives a simple to utilize and precise content information modality without putting limitations on the users.
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