Potassium solubilizing bacteria: A solution for improving potassium status in soil

Potassium is one of the 3rd most essential elements for the plant growth and development after nitrogen and phosphorus while 7th most abundant element in the earth crust. It present in more than enough amount in soil but because of bound from, plants are unable to absorb through roots to perform their functions properly therefore to fulfill the demand of potassium for plant, inorganic base fertilizer need to apply in the soil. The wide range of microbes present in the soil / rhizospheric zone of plants roots which play a vital role in favour of solubilizing or mobilizing the bound form of potassium present in the soil hence plant can absorb and further use for the activation of enzymes, partial closing of stomata and regulation of stress related function. Wide ranges of potassium solubilizing bacteria are available in the market with varying potential known as KSM like Bacillus species (B. mucilaginosus, B. edaphicus, and B. circulans), Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans, Cladosporium, Sphingomonas, Aminobacter are known to improve potassium status in the soil by solubilisation and mobilization process without causing any pollution and hazard in the soil.
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