The CSMS (Configurable Seismic Monitoring System) Poorboy deployment: Seismic recording in Pinedale, Wyoming, of the Bullion NTS (Nevada Test Site) nuclear test under the verification provisions of the new TTBT protocol

The Configurable Seismic Monitoring System (CSMS), developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) was deployed in a 13-m deep vault on the AFTAC facility at Pinedale, Wyoming to record the Bullion nuclear test. The purpose of the exercise was to meet all provisions of the new TTBT protocol on in-country seismic recording at a Designated Seismic Station (DSS). The CSMS successfully recorded the Bullion event consistent with and meeting all requirements in the new treaty protocol. In addition, desirable seismic system features not specified in the treaty protocol were determined; treaty protocol ambiguities were identified, and useful background noise recordings at the Pinedale site were obtained. 10 figs.
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