Кашель и ангионевротический отёк на фоне приёма ингибиторов ангиотензинпревращающего фермента: генетические маркёры

While coughing remains the most frequent adverse drugs reaction (ADR) when taking ACE inhibitors, angioedema giving him a frequency is considered to be the most threatening complication from this group of drugs. The risk of such complications are usually associated with increased levels of bradykinin and it's active metabolites by inhibiting ACE. Genetic factors associated with the level of ACE in plasma and the incidence of complications play a leading role. To search for genetic markers usually used mapping candidate. This method allows analyzing ADR due to gene polymorphism. The present review consider the relationship of polymorphisms in candidate genes with the frequency of ADR of the ACE inhibitor. In addition, we discuss the possible causes of isolated visceral angioedema.
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