DAHBSIM, a dynamic agricultural household bio-economic model

The development of bio-economic models responds to the need of tools able to represent in a consistent way different dimensions of Agricultural Systems, integrating different scale levels as well as impacts concerning agro-ecologic issues, socio-economic ones and indirect effects of other nature, such as global environmental impacts. Most bio-economic models use outputs of bio-physical models (Flichman, 2011) to generate part of the parameters of the model. A small number of models including the bio-physical processes in the same code, usually apply empirical bio-physical relations, adapted only to the specific case that is studied. When biophysical models are used to generate data to be introduced in the bio-economic model, it is not possible to fully simulate the dynamic interactions between the economic and the bio-physical dimensions of the whole model. In the majority of cases, the bio-economic models of this type are static, creating to some extent a lack of consistency. On the other side, when only a simplified empirical approach is representing the bio-physical issues, the model cannot be easily adapted to a different context (Holden et al. 2004). The development of DAHBSIM uses an accumulated experience in this type of models, and intends to introduce some specific improvements in relation with previous work in this field, essentially through its dynamic character and the possibility of application in different contexts, as it is developed in a generic way using a modular structure. DAHBSIM is designed to capture some key features of developing countries rural areas. Some aspects of this work present a particular interest from a methodological perspective: The fact that DAHBSIM is built in a modular and generic manner allows applying it in different contexts. The potential user will be able to use all or part of the modules. The architecture of the model may include new modules if it appears necessary to do so. The development of this model is done in the context of collaboration between IFPRI and CIHEAM-IAMM.
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