Accessory function of endothelial cells in anti-CD3-induced T-cell proliferation: synergism with monocytes.

Monoclonal antibodies to CD3 can induce proliferation of resting T cells. In vitro this effect is dependent on the presence of monocytes. They serve as accessory cells providing a co-stimulatory signal after cross-linking of the antibody-coated TcR/CD3 complex by the Fc receptor on the monocytes. We have studied whether endothelial cells can replace monocytes with regard to (his function. Highly purified T-cell preparations were cultured in the presence of anti-CD3 antibody, purified monocytes, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Anti-CD3 and endothelial cells alone were unable in support T -cell proliferation, due to lack of FcR expression. Addition, however, of as few as 10110 FcR+ monocytes (0.8% of the number of T cells present) to a co-culture of T cells and endothelial cells (EC) in the presence of soluble anti-CD3 resulted in a strong proliferation of T cells. When anti-CD3 was presented in an immobilized form (coated to the culture well or to Sepharose beads), or when phytohaemagglutinin was added to the culture as a cross-linking agent, EC could support T-cell proliferation in the absence of any monocytes. We conclude that EC by themselves cannot support the proliferation of pure T cells induced by soluble anti-CD3, but are potent generators of the co-stimulatory signal(s). They provide a suitable starling material to further define this co-stimulatory activity.
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