The USHT-ITER CS model coil program achievements

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) collaboration has fabricated an 18 layer CS model coil (CSMC) designed for producing a 13 T peak field at an operating current of 46 kA. A vertical preload structure applies up to 20 MPa on the coil. The US Home Team has designed and fabricated the 10 layer (2 in hand) inner module of the CSMC which consists of 4 layers of high field conductor and 6 layers of moderate field conductor. Each hand of a layer was wound, then corkscrewed to form a two in hand layer. Compound bends on the leads were formed to provide for joints, tension plates which support the lead loads were welded to the conductor, terminations for the interlayer (layer to busbar) joints were added and the conductor was heat treated. The turns were insulated and then layers assembled with additional insulation to form the precise geometry, the coil was vacuum epoxy impregnated in a mold and the joints were assembled and insulated. The base structure, the upper support structure, superconducting busbars and the He plumbing for the inner module were also fabricated. All these subsystems were shipped to JAERI, Naka, Japan for installation which is complete and cooldown is in progress. The completion of this large, unprecedented and state of art pulsed superconducting magnet will provide the basis for many future developments in large superconducting magnet design and fabrication.
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