Comparison of V̇o 2peak and V̇o 2max at Different Sampling Intervals in Collegiate Wrestlers

ABSTRACT Sell, KM, Ghigiarelli, JJ, Prendergast, JM, Ciani, GJ, Martin, J, and Gonzalez, AM. Comparison of Vo2peak and Vo2max at different sampling intervals in collegiate wrestlers. J Strength Cond Res 35(10): 2915-2917, 2021-The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the highest oxygen uptake (Vo2peak) achieved during a maximal effort graded exercise test (GXT) in 20 NCAA Division I male wrestlers using breath-by-breath (BbB) values to the maximal uptake averaged across different time- and breath-based oxygen consumption sampling intervals (Vo2max). Given the need for aerobic fitness and anaerobic power in wrestling, the accurate determination of Vo2max is imperative if it is to be used to identify current aerobic fitness and consequently guide sport-specific training programs to address weaknesses in this area. Each subject completed a cycle ergometer GXT during which BbB data were collected via indirect calorimetry and Vo2peak determined as the highest value. Vo2max was considered as the average value of 3-s, 5-s, 10-s, 20-s, and 30-s sampling, and 3-b, 7-b, and 11-b sampling during the GXT. Results show that the BbB Vo2peak was significantly higher than the 5-s, 10-s, 20-s, 30-s, and 11-b (p < 0.05). The 3-b Vo2max was significantly higher than the 20-s and 30-s Vo2max values (p < 0.05). The underestimation of Vo2peak for each time-based interval sampling approach compared with BbB Vo2peak is consistent with previous research, but the comparison of BbB data to breath-based interval sampling has not been widely addressed in prior research. The use of a 7-b sampling interval for the determination of Vo2max may be a promising approach to minimize the systematic errors associated with BbB or less frequent sampling intervals, but future research is needed to further support its application with elite athletic populations such as those in the current study.
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